A modern solution for complete teeth loss.
If you lose all of your teeth, a traditional removable denture rarely provides the perfect solution as they can cause discomfort or pain, are often unstable and make it difficult to chew. Nowadays modern dentistry offers many other solutions, out of which All-on-4 ™ is one of the most effective ones.

Advantages of All-on-4 ™ Dental Implant:
Unlike denture wearing patients, but all-on-4 ™ users can enjoy these benefits:
- Natural looking and feeling
- Fixed dentures that do not fall out of the mouth
- Uncovered palate that allows more taste sensation during meals
- Stable bite force that allows any food to be consumed
- Area around the mouth is fuller, which lends a more youthful appearance to the face
- No need for denture glue or denture removal at night
- No more painful sores or gagging
One of the world's leading companies in innovative dental solutions, Nobel Biocare is the pioneer and patentee of All-on-4 ™ technology. Their extensive clinical research has resulted in this successful procedure that requires the least number of implants, while ensuring a constant and natural smile in the shortest possible time.
What does All-on-4 ™ mean?
All-on-4 ™ is the name of an effective and efficient technique, with generally 4 dental implants, providing a stable foundation of the upper or lower denture. All-on-4 ™ offers a secure and ultimate solution with strong and safe anchoring, resorting in the most natural smile.
Since only four implants are needed, the treatment time is marginally reduced. The All-on-4 ™ solution provides greater stability in the bone and helps prevent certain additional surgery such as bone replacement. After the implants are placed, our dentist can place a temporary denture immediately, avoiding the inconvenience associated with luck of teeth.
These teeth are both aesthetically as well as functionally are similar to natural teeth, so they can be used straight after surgery. After a few weeks of healing, our dentist places the final fixed or removable bridge. By chewing safely and savouring the taste of food, meals will bring joy back again. Best of all, patients can pursue the same lifestyle as those with natural teeth.