Partial or full dentures and removable dental prostheses have been used for centuries as the most basic solution for tooth loss. Modern dentures are manufactured mostly of acrylate and cobalt chromium, using the latest technologies.
Their popularity is due to their low cost, tooth conservation ability and the pain free procedure. In the design of removable dentures, the main criteria are function and aesthetics. Based on those principles, dentures can be made with visible or invisible clamps (anchoring on the teeth) or used with or without implants.

Today's most popular dentures are the once that are built on implants. The implants are functioning as the roots of natural teeth, thereby improving the stability of the dentures and minimizing their waggle and mobility.
There are many benefits of fixed dentures:
- undisturbed meals without the denture falling out
- greater confidence
- more comfort
- noticeable aesthetic and functional progress
- development of speech and taste perception
- no dental adhesives needed
Why do we need removable denture?
The dental denture is a removable tooth-loss remedy, which needs to be removed from the mouth every day. After removal, the denture can easily be cleaned in the hand and apply back into the mouth.
How long does removable denture work?
Occasionally, removable denture may need to be realigned or completely replaced, depending on the degree of wear. During realignment a layer of self-adhesive acrylate is applied to the palate side of the prosthesis, filling the gap caused by gum shrinkage. As years go by, our face and jaw will change, and the denture will become loose, making the chewing more difficult and injuring the gum due to waggle and instability.
How to care for removable denture?
It is very important to take care of our removable denture just like our natural teeth. We need to clean them every day, so that the rest of the teeth remain healthy, and the gum remains fungal and infection free. It is advisable to start with soft food and the usage of dental adhesives. It takes a couple of weeks to get used to the denture. If you are concerned that the denture may move during eating or speech, use the dental adhesive. We recommend removing the denture every night before going to bed and storing it in water to keep it moist. It is important that you only use the dental cleansing tablets / powders recommended by our clinic, as household bleaches weaken the denture, making them more brittle. Do not use hot water on the denture. Regular dental check-ups are essential, not only for the teeth, but also for the examination of the soft tissues to maintain good health and prevent potentially severe oral diseases.