Natural look and appearance
"Inlays" are metal or metal-free “rooftops”, that completely rebuilt the anatomical shape of the affected teeth. "Inlays" return the teeth's chewing function while providing maximum stability and resistance for many years. This is why they are recommended to be used on heavily broken, on every surfaces filled teeth or with cases of serious dental caries. They may also be a solution for strengthening root canal treated teeth or problems spreading under the gums. There may also be aesthetic reasons for fitting an "inlay": it is the perfect solution for covering misshaped, worn down or heavily discoloured teeth.

At the beginning, only metal inlays were strong enough to bear the biting pressure, but they are not popular anymore due to their physical appearance. With the technical improvements completely, metal free inlays became more and more precise and they are bearing more and more pressure. They naturally copy and restore the shape of any teeth with their original anatomy (cusps and fissures) and thereby regain the proper chewing function.
"Inlays" can be made of a wide range of materials (e.g. gold, cobalt-chrome, gold-ceramic, composite, glass-reinforced composite, porcelain-reinforced composite, press ceramic or zirconium), but nowadays, due to the high aesthetic demand, the press ceramic and zirconium inlays become increasingly more popular.
In our surgery, we take precise impressions of the prepared tooth cavity and after 3-5 days we can fit the permanent "onlay" to its place. In the meantime, the cavity is covered with temporary filling. Using "onlays" is a pain free treatment!

When do we need onlays? When the tooth is severely broken or heavily worn down and the enamel structure is weakened. They are also useful for the strengthening of root canal treated teeth and for the cosmetic needs of the teeth.
What are the advantages of the onlays? A well-designed and -fitted onlay is strong, resilient and looks and feels just like our own tooth. Similar colour and shape to the surrounding teeth can be created on the prepared tooth. A properly cared for "onlay" will last for decades.
How to take care of the onlays? Use fluoride toothpaste and dental floss twice a day to protect the health of teeth and gum. Reduced sugary and acidic food / drink consumption minimises caries. With regular dental check-ups and tartar removal the lifespan of onlays can be extended.