Because prevention is always better than treatment!
To achieve a healthy mouth, regularly controlled and sustained oral hygiene is necessary. To avoid the development of oral problems and to keep a good gum health, close collaboration between the patient - dental hygienist and the dentist is required.
The most secure way to a well-maintained, healthy mouth is to consult with the dental hygienist at the dental office, when they provide information about the reasons and how to avoid caries, gingivitis and bone loss.

Cleaning methods (such as brushing techniques, flossing patterns, types of toothpastes and mouthwashes, correct amounts and uses) are all important parts of the consultation. During which, they estimate the amount of tartar and propose tartar removal and recommend the frequency of tartar removal, depending on the individual's tendency.
In every person's mouth, depending on their age and genetic predisposition, different types of bacteria multiply favourably. Some bacteria causes caries, while other causes gingivitis. Over a certain age (but even from childhood, depending on the tendency), germs living under the gum are multiplying in large quantities, unreachably with toothbrush or mouthwash. The undisturbed increase of these bacteria can be the source of serious problems (loss of bone, tooth mobility). Therefore, their amount should be regularly reduced professionally at the dentist. Some needs it more often, every 3-4 months, others less often, maybe only annually.
Smoking, certain illnesses and medicines, as well as family history may increase the requirement of dental hygienic treatment.
The qualified dental hygienist of our dental surgery welcomes any patient even without proper dental examination. It is a possible to arrange an appointment directly with her. Of course, a hygienic treatment is always part of dental treatments.